The menstrual cup: a solution for me
Elodie immediately explains that her case is a little different from that of most women, because of several medical treatments.

Intimate problems in shambles since hormonal chemotherapy
What is interesting in my story is the fact that there is finally a solution for people in my situation:
- either because they have undergone, like me, hormonal chemotherapy and/or chemical castrations ;
- either because they make fungus no longer end and/or cystitis.
The fact that I support it well or not, it is not so important: I have no choice to take a cup by my health condition
I lost my intimate smell 4 years ago and it was very hard for me (morally, sexually …), and the doctors at the hospital did not help me …
So to see a solution that could restore my privacy is already huge!

Put my privacy back on my feet
But let’s move on to the interview:
What did you use as periodic protections?
I used tampons, so yes I was satisfied. My periods were normal and regular before the hormonal chemotherapy.
Now, my periods are random, painful and really plentiful.
Note for those who have rules very abundant: there are very large cups here.
These hygienic protections did not satisfy you?
No, no, I was very satisfied with the stamps in real life.
Just after a while, you have to ask the right questions: why a lot of recommendations on the instructions for your tampons ??
It is because, somewhere, tampons like towels are not finished objects: they change shape, smell, matter … continually.
Just to see in the record the health problems related to tampons and towels … it sucks anyway!
Hence my real question:
Where did you see ladies that a successful object was dangerous for your health?
That he changed all the time?
For example, most objects around us: drugs, cell phones, computers … unsuccessful too.
Which menstrual cup did you choose (and why)?
My choice fell on the cup large size after your questionnaire to choose your Cup (person, it avoids buying 12 before finding the right).
And what do you think?
I think it’s convenient, but personal is not that side of the cup that really interests me.
It is rather the health aspect of the woman who, for once, is not negligible!
Basically, the goal of the Cup for me is not a fashion: it is a technological advance and not destructive to the health of women .
Did you have difficulty putting it on and / or removing it?
No never. I just tend to forget it.
What do you like most about the cup? Is there something that displeases you?
No, there is nothing that displeases me with the cup.
I changed periodic protection because my doctor made me make some logical connections: we discovered a short time ago (less than 10 years) what makes up the vaginal flora of a woman .

Vaginal flora: full of small tribes that live in harmony with each other
To make you an image, the vaginal flora is full of small tribes who live in harmony with each other.
And unfortunately, there are many factors that can unbalance your vaginal and intestinal flora.
For example :
- tampons
- the intimate towels
- the intimate gel
- the intimate wipes
- hormonal contraception
- antibiotics
- opioids
- opioids
- anti-depressants
- the sedatives
- neuroleptics
- chemical castration
- Hormonal chemotherapy / chemotherapy
- ….
In short, there are really a lot, as you can see.

Genital infection (here Gardnerella Vaginalis)
Gardnerella Vaginalis is a bacterium that proliferates in our body when the vaginal flora is disturbed.
When the vagina is no longer protected by the flora of Doderlein, other germs take the opportunity to multiply and give many inconveniences.
It is not a sexually transmitted infection.
Now you can not stay like this: there will be no positive evolution. The only way to get rid of all his intimate problems : cup and vaginal and intestinal probiotics at the same time.
Probiotics are friendly bacteria that help your small bacteria to you, contained in your flora. They help restore balance (whether vaginal or intestinal).
And since I started the menstrual cup, yes, my vaginal flora goes WIDELY better .
You know, I was almost to tell me that the sex of a woman “it’s dirty” … as tell you that making love with my man, it was complicated ….
But everything is back in order now: no more fungal infections, infections, sex problems …. I see again!