If you are experiencing leaks with your menstrual cup, do not be discouraged. Many cycles are often necessary to properly use a cup. The comfort acquired afterwards is really worthwhile to persist.
In the event of a leak, some checks should be made
Leaks can occur especially when you start using the cut. In most cases, they are caused by a slight problem of positioning the cup in the vagina which lets a little blood flow. Follow these tips to make sure the cup is in the right position.
Is the cut in place?
Upon insertion, check that the cut has unfolded well and that the rim conforms to the vaginal walls.
How to proceed: once the cut in the vagina, pass the finger all around and check that it is well rounded towards the walls of the vagina. If it is not, slide your finger along the cup, up to the upper bead (if possible), and press on the vagina wall to let in air and inflate the cup. Then turn it on itself, it should naturally be well placed. The cut should be well rounded towards the walls of the vagina, all round.
Did your cup move into the vagina?
It can happen that during the day or night, the cup changes position slightly or turns. This can cause leaks. To check that the menstrual cup has not moved into the vagina, with your finger, you must feel the base of the cut first.
Is the cup full and overflowing?
Finally, it is simply possible that your menstrual cup is filled, which leads to a leak. If your cup is already in place for a while or if you have abundant flows, do not hesitate to check it.
With time and habit, leaks are becoming more and more rare.
If leaks persist …
- Try to place the cup lower or higher in the vagina. It is possible to push with the finger, or to go down or back with the muscles of the vagina. To bring it down, push like when you go to the saddle. To make it go up, proceed as when one retains a desire to urinate.
- Spotting your cervix, this is a somewhat hard ball somewhere in the vagina. Your collar should not be outside the cup . For some women, or for some cycles, the collar is completely on the side, it is necessary to adapt and place the cut according to your collar, cross if necessary.
- Check that the holes in the cup are not clogged. Sometimes the texture of the losses (with, for example, thick filaments or large clots) clogs the holes under the bead of the cut. When these holes are clogged, the pressure increases in the cup as it fills, the cup then moves into the vagina, where leaks ensured.
Is the chosen cutting size the right one?
The width of the menstrual cup should make it watertight to the outside. If it is too small, it does not attach properly and can slip, which can cause leaks. We offer 4 cup sizes to help you find the most suitable model for your morphology and avoid the risk of leakage.
Does the cup unfold properly in the vagina?
If it is not the case, your cup is probably too big. It can not take a homogeneous shape by marrying the edges of the vagina, usually resulting in leaks. It should then turn to another size of menstrual cup.