Menstrual cup and IUD are compatible

The wearing of an IUD (for intra-uterine device ) in principle does not prevent the use of the menstrual cup as the threads are cut rather short. It is still necessary to take some precautions when handling the cup to avoid all risks for IUD carriers. In any case, if you have an IUD, do not hesitate to inform your gynecologist that you are using a menstrual cup.

Menstrual cup and IUDs: best practices

With correct use especially when removing the menstrual cup, there is no particular danger to use with an IUD. We still invite the women concerned to follow some advice especially when removing the cup to avoid two phenomena:

  • Pull on the wires of the IUD
  • Move the IUD with the suction effect of the menstrual cup

Removing the cup and wires from the IUD

In general, you need to leave some air and a little space between the cup and the cervix where the IUD is implanted. When removing the menstrual cup from the vagina, care should be taken not to dislodge the IUD. The risk is to pull on the wires of your IUD.

In principle, they are cut short enough that it is not possible. But it seems that some girls feel the son by fetching their cup.

Note that to expel an IUD, it is necessary to operate firm traction, which is not the case when removing a cup.

Avoid the suction effect of the cup on the IUD

To remove the cup, first, start by lowering the cup by pushing on your perineal muscles. Before removing your Menses Cup, you must pinch the cup to remove the “suction effect” to get out more easily and avoid any risk of moving the IUD.

Squeeze the bottom of the menstrual cup to “remove air,” or gently pull the stem from side to side, so that a little air can be blown off and taken off easily.

According to scientific studies conducted on several hundred women, a risk of aspiration of the IUD by the cup remains extremely unlikely, especially since the axis of the vagina is not the same as that of the cervix. ‘uterus.

Wait a few weeks after the insertion of the IUD

Finally, we also recommend that you allow 2-3 cycles after IUD insertion before using your menstrual cup. There is indeed a risk of expulsion of the IUD in the first weeks (in the case where the body does not accept the IUD or that the latter is poorly positioned for example). This delay will ensure that the IUD is in place in the vagina.

Menstrual cup and IUD: risks of pregnancy?

Some IUD users may wonder if using a menstrual cup cancels the contraceptive effect of their IUDs. With normal use of the cup and following the advice above, the IUD perfectly fulfills its role and there is no risk of getting pregnant.

However, if when removing the cup you accidentally pull on the threads of the IUD (which, as we have indicated, is not supposed to have happened, the threads being short enough) or you feel a strong suction effect Due to a “suction effect”, it is recommended to consult your gynecologist.

What is an IUD / IUD?

The IUD is an Intra Uterine Device (IUD) for contraception that has a life span of several years. This is the second contraceptive method used in France.

T-shaped and about 3.5 cm tall, it is placed in the uterus by a midwife or gynecologist. Its base ends with a short thread to proceed with its withdrawal.

There are two types :

  • The hormonal IUD gradually releases a hormone (levonorgestrel) with a contraceptive effect. Its lifespan is 5 years maximum. It acts both in a classic and progestative way.
  • The copper IUD is based on natural anti-inflammatory reactions. By reacting against a foreign body, protective systems become toxic to sperm and prevent their arrival in the fallopian tubes.

Menstrual cup and IUDs: scientific studies

To date, there is only one study conducted by the University of Vancouver in Canada on the impact of using intravaginal protection (menstrual cup or tampon) on IUD wear. 930 women using this method of contraception were followed.

The results showed no relationship between wearing a menstrual cup and increasing the expulsion of IUDs.